Teach World War II with Espresso
Navigate the battlefields of the Second World War

Teach World War II with Espresso
Navigate the battlefields of the Second World War
Level up your WW2 Lessons
History is more than learning about the past. It challenges children to think critically and ask questions. It teaches them about change. It inspires curiosity.
Espresso holds an array of lesson presentations, activities, informative videos and extensive image galleries to support your history planning and engage your pupils as they navigate the devastating events of World War II.

Level up your WW2 Lessons

History is more than learning about the past. It challenges children to think critically and ask questions. It teaches them about change. It inspires curiosity.
Espresso holds an array of lesson presentations, activities, informative videos and extensive image galleries to support your history planning and engage your pupils as they navigate the devastating events of World War II.
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Popular World War 2 Classroom Resources
Here’s a snippet of what you’ll get access to with an Espresso subscription to level up your World War II content!

The Battle of Britain
Learn what happened during the Battle of Britain and what its significance was.

Build a WW2 Homefront Scene
Use the Sandbox AR app to explore London in 1940, finding out all about life on the Home Front.

Interactive Activity
Significant Events of WWII
Test your knowledge of the key events that took place during the Second World War.

“I like the fact that each video has a follow-up activity such as a quiz. We often complete the quizzes as a whole class on the whiteboard.”
Nicole, Year 6 Teacher Fraserburgh South Park Primary

The key to keeping children engaged and interested is to show them how their learning is relevant today. Our ‘History in the News’ section supports you in creating cross-curricular learning experiences from a variety of age-appropriate news stories.

With videos, poetry, printable resources and music to name a few, Espresso has a plethora of interactive resources to really immerse children in history! From the ‘Jolly Sailor’s Hornpipe’ to a whistling firework, we’re bringing the real-world into the classroom.

History can be a bit of a minefield, but Espresso has carefully curated a ‘Teacher area’ for each topic. From objectives and assessments to writing opportunities and key vocabulary, they’re here to help you use resources in the most effective and engaging way for you and your class.

History can feel like a bit of a minefield, but Espresso has a carefully curated ‘Teacher Area’ complete with detailed teacher notes for each topic. From objectives and assessments, to writing opportunities and key vocabulary, they’re here to help you use resources in the most effective and engaging way for you and your class.

You’ll never have to trawl the internet again looking for accurate images to show your class. Whether it’s studying a collection of Roman coins, arrow heads and oil lamps, or looking at evidence of the Romans around the UK, Espresso has everything you need to elevate your lessons, in one place.
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Explore the Past with Your Class