Espresso by Discovery Education Logo

What Is Espresso?

Meet Espresso, your go-to learning resource hub from EYFS to KS2 

What Is Espresso?

Meet Espresso, your go-to learning resource hub from EYFS to KS2 

“The best part about Espresso is you’ve got a ready-made bank of resources.”

With thousands of topical presentations and differentiated resources, Espresso caters for all abilities and needs whilst reducing teacher workload.

Discover Powerful Learning Resources

Espresso’s high-quality learning resources are fully curriculum-aligned and grouped around curriculum objectives and topics of interest. With Espresso’s QuickList feature, it’s never been easier to save lessons for later and create a bank of resources to use year on year!


Assign and Share Work with Ease

Assigning home learning tasks has never been easier. Espresso enhances learning outside of the classroom with fun and interactive activities, such as video quizzes with embedded questions. There’s no need to queue for the printer, pupils can easily access everything right from their very own My DE homepage.

Ready-to-use, Time-saving Activities

With pre-prepared lesson plans, videos and resources, spend less time planning and more time with your pupils! Use for quick assignments or customise in the Studio to suit the needs of the children in your classroom.

Bring Quizzes into the 21st Century

Who doesn’t love a good quiz? We’re not talking about a list of questions on a piece of paper – we’re talking about engaging, multimedia, get-those-wheels-turning quizzes. Our brand-new Quiz tool gives you intuitive ways to promote active learning every day and track pupil progress in real-time. You can even do live whole-class quizzes and watch answers appear instantly!

Whatever your subject, you're sure to find essential materials! Take a look at what's popular with schools:

EYFS Art and Design

Artist Profiles: Jackson Pollock

Learn about the life and work of Jackson Pollock. Explore the techniques, ideas and works that made him famous.

KS2 Religious Education

Introduction to Judaism

A guide for parents for how to pronounce the 44 different sounds in the English language.

EYFS Phonics

Lesson 2: 'b'

Phase 2, week 5 of our Phonics scheme sees students learn and apply the ‘b’ phoneme.

KS1 Science

How do Plants Grow?

Learn about how plants grow from seeds and bulbs.

KS2 English

Using Fronted Adverbials

In this lesson, pupils learn what an adverbial is, where a fronted adverbial is placed in a sentence, its impact on a sentence and how it should be punctuated.


Nigeria in Profile

Take a tour around Nigeria in this country profile.

Want to explore Espresso more?

Our free trials are the perfect way to see what Espresso can do for you and your school!

Here's What Our Customers Have to Say...

Cassiobury School

“One of the best things about Espresso is we can see what our pupils are accessing at home and keep track of their learning. The work that we are receiving is brilliant. Our pupils’ progress has been amazing.” 

Casey Denham, Reception Teacher
Cassiobury Infant School 

Springwood Primary

“Espresso makes personalised learning happen. It helps us to assign learning that’s motivating and accessible for every child.”


Catherine Garratt, Teacher
Springwood Primary School

Kensington Wade

“One of the best things about Espresso is that it gives children a safe space to learn.” 

Suzanne Haigh, Headteacher
Kensington Wade School

Here's What Our Customers Have to Say...