Espresso Success Stories
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Used by 30,000+ schools
17,000+ engaging resources
Covering EYFS, KS1 & KS2
Trusted by 40,000+ teachers
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Featured Case Studies

Haneen Al Jaaf
- The King Fahad Academy
The King Fahad Academy in London uses Espresso’s real-world digital content to engage pupils, save teachers time and bring lessons to life.

Charlotte Baly
- The Roche School
Having used Espresso throughout her career, Charlotte explains why the platform is one of her go-to resources.

Tom Pearce
- Greenleas Primary School
Greenleas Primary uses Espresso to teach English across the school with accessible resources for all abilities.

Haneen Al Jaaf
- The King Fahad Academy
The King Fahad Academy in London uses Espresso’s real-world digital content to engage pupils, save teachers time and bring lessons to life.

Charlotte Baly
- The Roche School
Having used Espresso throughout her career, Charlotte explains why the platform is one of her go-to resources.

Tom Pearce
- Greenleas Primary School
Greenleas Primary uses Espresso to teach English across the school with accessible resources for all abilities.
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What Teachers Say

“I can find the resources I need very quickly and simply embed these into my planning and lesson resources. It makes my job as a teacher easier.”
Rowena McArthur, Head of Year 5
Brighton College, Abu Dhabi

“Teachers use it across all subject areas from drama to geography, science to history and PE, plus English and Maths. It’s particularly good for topic-based learning. There are so many engaging videos to choose from.”
Sophia Atherton, Year 6 Teacher
Bonner Primary School

“I always go to Espresso first when I’m looking for resources – particularly visual stimuli.”
Tom Pearce, Year 2 Teacher
Greenleas Primary School
What Teachers Say