New to Espresso this July

July is here and the summer holidays are on their way, but there’s still time for plenty of teaching and learning before the term officially ends!
Learning beyond the classroom

“One of the main ways in which Espresso brings the real world into the classroom is through its daily and weekly news service. Espresso NewsBites is brilliant. It’s a real highlight for the children and is both engaging and age-appropriate.”
A British curriculum for international schools

“Discovery Education Espresso makes teaching and lesson planning more effective and the children absolutely love it. For me, Espresso’s accessibility is key.”
Personalised remote learning for every child

“Espresso is definitely helping us to respond to the challenges of remote learning. It allows us to keep track of who is accessing work.”
Blended learning for Special Schools

“As a special school, for us blended learning is about providing bespoke learning. All of our children have individual needs, so a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t really work. Delivering home learning that can meet those needs —while catering for the majority of pupils who are still in school —has been our challenge. Discovery Education Espresso helps us to do this. ”
Guided home learning with Discovery Education Espresso

“Espresso’s Home Access is incredibly useful during the current situation. The content is tailored to the curriculum and I know that my pupils can navigate the platform with confidence. They are used to using Espresso in the classroom and this helps us to keep a consistent approach at home.”
Supporting teaching and learning across a Multi Academy Trust

“I use the Espresso videos to teach grammar. Sometimes the children struggle with new concepts but watching a video alongside my explanation helps to deepen their understanding. We pause to ask questions and the children complete the activities to show what they’ve learned.”
Our daily learning platform

“Espresso has lots of great digital resources and I use these to support my teaching, especially in maths and literacy. The videos introduce new concepts, while the quizzes and games consolidate learning and check for understanding. The grammar and punctuation videos are especially good. Recently I used these to teach about speech marks and my Primary 6 class were very engaged. The video helped them to grasp the different rules and learn how to put these into practice.”
Supporting independent and guided learning

“One of the best things about Espresso is that it supports both independent and guided learning. We can deliver lessons online or in-person and students can access Espresso in the classroom and at home.”
Dynamic digital content for primary schools

“Espresso’s digital content appeals to young children and is very engaging. They make connections quickly, because they enjoy the videos so much! The clips are short and to the point and the explanations are simple.”