New to Espresso this July

July is here and the summer holidays are on their way, but there’s still time for plenty of teaching and learning before the term officially ends!
Learning beyond the classroom

“One of the main ways in which Espresso brings the real world into the classroom is through its daily and weekly news service. Espresso NewsBites is brilliant. It’s a real highlight for the children and is both engaging and age-appropriate.”
Supporting learning beyond the classroom

“The home learning aspect of Espresso is very useful. Our pupils are very active in accessing Espresso at home and seem to enjoy using it alongside their class topics to supplement learning.”
Supporting a leading digital school

“Teachers really value the timely nature of the Espresso content, which responds to current news, trends in culture and national and international events.”
Supporting teachers and pupils to use technology

“Discovery Education Espresso contains a lot of lesson ideas. If there is a particular topic you are covering, Espresso is a very good place to start. There are resources which act as a stimulus at the start of the lesson or whole activities, ideas and sequences that you can follow.”
A Dynamic Digital Resource for Bilingual Schools

“I’ve used Espresso for many years and have been delighted to see how it can support teaching in a bilingual environment. Espresso has a translate function, which makes it easy for us to switch between two languages.”
Bringing literacy to life with Discovery Education Espresso

“Some children find grammar and punctuation lessons boring, but Espresso makes it fun. The videos take learning further by showing the children how to improve their writing and make it even better.”
Enlivening primary English at Greenleas Primary

“The short clips cover exactly what teachers need. Everything is linked to the National Curriculum and the digital aspect is very engaging for children.”